12+ Tips to craft a high-converting email for your business

craft effective email for businesses

True, Email marketing can be one of your company’s secret weapons for success; but, have you ever sent out an email campaign that received few or no engagements or interactions from your customers?

Yes, you are not alone; You may be wondering why your email campaigns are bringing in little traffic or revenue.

Customers receive several emails every day from known and unknown brands; think about it, why should they open your business’s email or take that action? 

Successful email marketing campaigns usually depend on how you can delight your customers to take that action on that campaign.

Here are some tips that will guide you to craft an effective email marketing campaign for your business.

1. Define the Goal of your Email Campaign.

Every business may have different metrics they use in measuring the “success or failure” of a particular campaign. 

Generally, most businesses measure the successes or failure of their email campaigns by the following metrics:

  • Open rates of emails (what percentage of emails were opened?)
  • Conversion rate of campaigns (what percentage of the action was completed). 

Crafting your email around these two factors may not only increase engagement in your email campaigns but helps you create email content that your customers will enjoy whiles expecting another great one from you.

2. Subject line should be on point

Whether your email gets opened or not depends on how well your subject line is crafted. The subject line is the door to your email being opened or not, you can write a fantastic copy but what is the point if it never gets opened?

Avoid words like free, 100% discount, and so on to avoid your mail being flagged for SPAM. You want to avoid any language that isn’t human or helpful to your readers.

PROTIP: Keep mobile users in mind, only 41-50 characters appear on mobile devices, try to keep it short as much as possible else your subject will be trimmed down on mobile devices.

Always write down a few similar ones before you choose the best one to send out.

3. Keep it brief

There are a lot of emails a customer receives in a day, you don’t want them to spend half a day reading a long email you sent. 

To avoid this, keep your email short whiles communicating the main purpose of the email. Often use paragraphs to break up your writings to make them easier to digest for your readers. 

If your email is shorter and includes illustrations (images & infographics) it becomes more likely to be read rather than it being skimmed through.

4. Personalize when necessary 

Personalize emails as much as possible to make your audience feel you are serious about them. 

With every email you send, you have the opportunity to make your email a one-to-one business opportunity for your brand. Yes, many personalized emails may take the form of Hi {{firstname}} but you need to go beyond that. 

You can try;

  • Hello {{firstname}} we recently met at… (If you met them through a webinar, conference, etc.)
  • Hello {{firstname}}, I noticed you haven’t used the platform for a while, etc. 

Emails like this look personal & make readers feel you took your time to know them at their point of need.

5. Use a familiar Email Address

Customers are more likely to open an email from a brand they are familiar with. Therefore your email address should help define your credibility straight away. 

That is why you need to forget about sending emails through personal accounts such as Gmail or Hotmail. 

You need a professional business email that has your brand name on it. A brand like www.nalosolutions.com can use an email like me@nalosolutions.com.

PROTIP: When you want to build relationships with your customers, avoid sending emails through generic email addresses like: support@abc.com

Instead, an email like Alex@nalosolutions.com creates a “face” for customer relations.

6. Your preview text should be on point

Whenever sending a business email you often need a preview text which sits below the subject line. 

It provides extra description and support to your subject line whiles giving the reader an idea of what to expect in the email.

Your preview encourages customers to open your email or not.

7. Always proofread

The last thing you would want to avoid in a professional email is grammatical errors and spelling mistakes as they undermine your intelligence and make you look careless. 

Always take a couple of minutes to check your emails for grammatical errors and mistakes before you hit the send button. 

Alternatively, you can send a test mail to yourself or someone else to proofread before you send it out to your customers.

8. Have you segmented your list?

You are probably getting low open rates because your email isn’t being sent to the right audiences. 

By segmentation, we can divide our emails into smaller groups based on similarities. With that, we know who receives what during each stage of our customer’s journeys. 

Having that in mind you can easily send the right email to an engaged audience waiting to hear from you.

9. Don’t miss your Call-to-Action

No, don’t miss this. After convincing your readers to open your email you don’t want to miss the reason for reaching out. Your Call-to-Action is the most important aspect of your email. That is why you have stayed up all night to prepare this copy. 

What action do you want your customers to take after reading this email?

  • Download?
  • Signup for the free trial.
  • Complete the survey?
  • Buy now?

The list may go on and on, but the most important thing is to keep your readers eye on that action. Make your call-to-action prominent and simple as much as possible. 

You don’t want your readers to stop and think of what you are trying to communicate with the email.

10. Be friendly

Since it’s often difficult to interpret a person’s tone and emotions over text-based mediums, your emails should be extra friendly to disarm any potential misunderstanding. 

Your email should be a conversation between you and your readers. You can open your email with a short considerate statement unrelated to the main purpose of your email. 

You can say “I hope this email finds you well” to start the conversation on a calm and personal note.

11. Sign off with a professional email signature

Do you have a professional email signature? Giving this detail may help clarify to readers who you are without needing to explain to them. It helps confirm your professional credentials. 

A professional email signature should look like this:

Picture or Logo


Title & Company


Website Address

12. Send emails at the right time

A recent study by Hubspot and partners shows that customers are more likely to engage with an email from 9 AM through to 3 PM. What is the best engagement you’ve received on an email you sent out? 

The time you sent out the campaign will help you determine when your readers are more likely to engage with your mail. 

Time matters. Sending the right email at the wrong time may also affect the engagements on your campaigns. 

Wrapping Up

You don’t have to craft your email around all these points to make your email highly effective. However, you should note that all successful emails have the Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action bit about it that encourages readers to take action on it.

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