How to use SMS as a Customer Retention Tool

sms retention

Customer retention is one of the most significant marketing techniques – yet it is mostly overlooked by so many.

Meanwhile, having a strong customer base can significantly impact growth and revenues for your business.

According to Signal Mind, it costs 6-7 more times to acquire a new customer than it is to keep your current customer. A 5% increase in retention can result in a 25-95% increase in revenues. Another study by Havard Business School revealed.

Today, we will look at how we can use SMS to keep your customers coming back for more and telling their friends and family to buy from you too.

How to increase customer loyalty and revenues with SMS as a retention tool

1. Welcome SMS

Anytime a customer signs up to any of your brand’s lists or makes a purchase for the first time, sending a welcome SMS allows you to introduce your brand to them.

You are able to set a tone for subsequent communications with them. This will help create a valuable experience for them with your brand in the process of increasing loyalty.

A good way to nail your welcome SMS is by also adding a promo code to encourage customers to shop again.

2. Dont only send promotions – Add valuable resources

While your customers are eager to see discounts and promotional offers from you, they also want to connect with your brand on a personal level.

Send updates on valuable events they can participate including resources, tips, and guides that may be relevant to their business and also their personal development.

This way you are able to create a sticky and engaging fanbase through SMS.

3. Onetime seasonal campaigns

During one-time campaigns like Black Friday, Back-to-school, founder’s Day, Chocolate Day, Made in Ghana Week, etc. Businesses can capitalize on such events and run promotions for new product lines that align with the brand story.

This will help keep customers thinking about your brand and compel them to make purchases the next time such an event is organized.

4. Reignite cold customers with reactivation campaigns

You can use text messages to encourage customers who haven’t interacted with your business in a long time. Brands can use text messages to encourage customers who haven’t interacted with them in a while to come back.

Keep in mind that when a customer is cold, but still subscribed to your SMS program, that means there is still a chance to recapture their interest in your products or services.

5. Targeted Messaging

Brands can build loyalty by connecting SMS to all the key touchpoints of their customer’s journey.

This will allow automated SMSes to be sent to customers based on their interests and goals.

For example, a cart abandonment SMS can re-engage a potential buyer who browsed a product before navigating off that page.

Choose NALO for your SMS Marketing

Ready to kickstart your SMS Journey? Create a free SMS account and join brands like yours that are building lasting relationships with their customers.

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